
The process of paying for aerial photography of golf courses typically involves the following steps:


  1. Request a Quote: Contact the aerial photography company or service provider and provide them with details about your golf course and the specific services you require. This may include the number of holes, the scope of coverage, the type of photography or videography needed, and any additional requirements.


  1. Receive a Proposal: Based on the information provided, the aerial photography company will prepare a proposal outlining the services, pricing, and any applicable terms and conditions. The proposal will include a breakdown of costs for each service, such as course overview, hole-by-hole photography, virtual tours, etc.


  1. Review and Negotiate: Take the time to carefully review the proposal, ensuring that it aligns with your requirements and budget. If needed, you can negotiate specific aspects of the proposal, such as pricing, package inclusions, or customization options. This stage is crucial for ensuring both parties are on the same page before moving forward.


  1. Agreement and Contract: Once you are satisfied with the proposal, the next step is to finalize the agreement. This typically involves signing a contract or service agreement that outlines the agreed-upon services, pricing, payment terms, project timelines, deliverables, and any other relevant terms and conditions. Ensure you thoroughly understand and agree to the terms before signing.


  1. Payment Terms: The aerial photography company will specify their preferred payment terms in the contract. This may include the total project cost, deposit requirements, milestone payments, or full payment upon completion. Payment methods, such as bank transfer, credit card, or online payment platforms, will also be specified.


  1. Initiate Payment: As per the agreed terms, you will need to initiate payment based on the specified schedule. This may involve making an initial deposit before the project begins or adhering to a payment schedule tied to project milestones. Follow the instructions provided by the aerial photography company for making payments.


  1. Project Execution: Once payment is received, the aerial photography company will proceed with the scheduled services. They will coordinate with you to plan the photography sessions, ensure the necessary permissions are in place, and handle all logistics related to capturing the aerial shots of your golf course.


  1. Delivery of Final Product: After the aerial photography has been completed, the company will process and edit the images or videos to produce the final deliverables. The agreed-upon format and resolution will be considered while preparing the files. The final product will be provided to you as per the terms outlined in the contract, which may include digital files, physical prints, or online access to the media.

 By following these steps and maintaining clear communication with the aerial photography company, you can ensure a smooth payment process and successful execution of the project.

 The company understands that every golf course has unique requirements and marketing goals. Hence, we offer customizable packages to cater to individual needs. Whether it’s a single promotional video or a comprehensive media package, Green Glide Shots works closely with their clients to deliver tailored solutions.